PHP Video Tutorial 1 – PHP Introduction
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Homeএকাডেমী ব্লগPHP Video Tutorial 1 – PHP Introduction
Dear sir, I am Hafizur Rahman, newcomer in IT sector, But I am highly interested to learn web design. I know Photoshop, Illustrator and Office Application. So I want to Download Video From your website. Pls Help me.
replyDear sir,
I am Mahmudul Hasan
I want to earn but i can not any thing please help me. I am interested to learn web design. I dont no Photoshop, Illustrator and Office Application. So I want to Download Video From your website. Pls Help me sir.
By default, your host name is ‘localhost’, user name is ‘root’ and password is ‘ ‘ (Blank). You can check it by yourself. Go to your browser (Explorer/ Firefox/ Opera/ Chrome/ Safari) and type ‘localhost/phpmyadmin’ in the address bar. Select any database from the database list and you will find an option named ‘Privileges’. Here, you will find what you need to know.
replyHello sir i want to earn money its argent. so tell me how i earn money easy.
replyYou can earn money doing freelancing. at first learn something like graphics, seo, web design, be expert then do freelancing, earn money.
replysir, ami ki wordpress or joomla dia website make kora blogspot a dita parpo.
Na, Parben na. wordpress or joomla dia website korle apnake domain hosting kine website host korte hobe.
dear zakir bai
I have been reading your all online earning related article in the last 2 years. I have little knowledge about html and css that i have learned from w3schools.com. what should i do to earn from http://www.odesk.com or http://www.freelancer.com although there are vast competition.
You can learn advance web design from http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/ and http://net.tutsplus.com/category/tutorials/html-css-techniques/ then you can start working on odesk or freelancer.
learn psd to html conversion
replyvi amr que ans paine…freelancing a amr khub eccha asa.but training sara to ata possible na…dhaka ta ki ki valo training center asa plz janaban.
replyI’m a fresh OCP. I’ve been searching jobs online since last six months on ODESK. While searching i meet a major problem that there is no such job requiring only sql or plsql or forms developer. Rather they want many other programming skill at the same time such as php or etc. But i’m really not interested to learn any other language right now. Considering the state please feel free to show me the right path.Ebong ovinondon edharoner page shuru korar jonne.
replyOur videos located on youtube.com Bangladesh Government ban YouTube form today, so you can’t see the videos
replyStatic based website & Joomla based website when post. Please post it as soon as possible.
replysir amar kono idea nai ata nea. but i am so much interest about it. pls tell me how can i work???
replyAt first you have to learn something like web development, seo, graphics design, database design then you can work on online marketplace.
replyIs your training center take FRIDAY class for employer? Because my working time and your Sylhet IT Academy `s class scheduled time not adjusted. So please know us is it possible ?
replyফ্রিল্যান্সিং-এ আপনার আগ্রহকে সাধুবাদ জানাই। ফ্রিল্যান্সাররা সাধারণত যেকোনো একটি বিষয়ে খুবই দক্ষ থাকেন এবং সে বিষয়েই কাজ করেন।
ওয়েব ডিজাইনিং এবং ওয়েব ডেভেলপমেন্ট দুটি আলাদা বিষয়। একজন ওয়েব ডেভেলপার ও একজন ওয়েব ডিজাইনারের কাজ সম্পূর্ণ ভিন্ন। তবে কোনো ডিজাইনার যদি ডেভেলপমেন্ট কিংবা ডেভেলপার ডিজাইনিং-এর কাজ করতে চান সেটি ভিন্ন জিনিস।
একইভাবে কেউ যদি আগ্রহবশত ওয়েব ডিজাইন এবং ডেভেলপমেন্ট দুটোই শিখতে চান সেটিও আমরা নিরুত্সাহিত করিনা। আমাদের এখানে ওয়েব ডিজাইন এবং ওয়েব ডেভেলপমেন্ট দুটি আলাদা প্যাকেজ।
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দিশারী – ১৪৫ , হাওয়াপাড়া, সিলেট।
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